Strategic Project Four

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Goal for project 4: 
Construction of the state pickleball centre and investigate construction of regional centres.
Estimated length: 10 years overall, first year’s plan included here
Project manager:
Components: The construction of the NSW pickleball centre including features such as 40 outdoor pickleball courts, at least one stadium court with seating for hundreds of spectators in addition to the 40 courts, parking for 600 cars (possibly under the infrastructure), and a two-story administration building. Plus investigate the possibility of regional centres

Initiatives (2024)

  • determine what is planned for the state centre:
    • 40 outdoor pickleball courts
    • At least one stadium court with seating for 100’s of spectators and a roof – could also require toilets, food and data entry office
    • Parking for approximately 600 cars (underground, if possible, under infrastructure to be built)
    • A two-story headquarters building including
      • on the first floor – a reception and booking office, storage spaces, café and toilets
      • on the second floor (accessed via stairs and lift) - office spaces, meeting rooms, toilets
      • decision needed about where the data entry office should be – attached to the stadium??
    • Close to additional food outlets and accommodation
  • Sketch out a plan
  • talk with the NSW government about possible land availability
  • set-up a subcommittee (4 to 5 people) to explore funding options up to 20 million dollars e.g.
    • large infrastructure grants
    • investigate possible naming sponsor plus additional sponsors
    • creation of a tax-free donation site for small donors
  • put a resolution to the membership to increase the PANSW membership fee by $20 - assuming a compound membership growth rate of 25% per annum from a current membership base of low-mid 2,000’s - calculations are that this would raise circa $500,000 in 5 years with annual recurring inflow of $137,000; $1,900,000 in 10 years with an annual recurring inflow of $420,000
    • Investigate the use of warehouses/containers/storage facilities until the construction is completed
    • Determine the initial budget – particulars for first year, estimates for the other 9 years
  • Employ an architectural draftsman to draw a plan in a form that can be shared with donors
  • Propose a plan for the next two years with milestones for the next 7 years

Financial implications: initial outlay of $20,000 in first year with additional funding of $2M to $20M + when construction starts